Being a wife mom and a business professional who works crazy hours, it can seem impossible to keep up with staying clean and organized. However I have found these tips and tricks help me stay on top of things throughout the week!
1. Use an app to keep track of your grocery shopping list.
I personally use an app called Out of Milk it tracks my shopping trends, coupons at my local stores, and the best part is my husband and kids also downloaded the app and we can all update the shopping list in real time this way we never have to double back to the store ( it’s a real time and money saver).
2. Take 15 mins out every night to clean the following:
Do the dishes after dinner, vacuum / sweep (I have a dog so vacuuming needs to be done daily in my house) if you don’t have pets you can do every 3 days or so. And take out the trash. This keeps my home tidy during the week and allows me to just do the detailed cleaning on the weekends!
3. Make sure to clean your bathrooms weekly.
I always keep separate cleaning products directly in the bathroom under the sink, this way they are right there when I need them. Wipe down the sink and fixtures, clean the toilet itself (gross, I know sorry, I hate this part) then clean the shower and don’t forget to clean the shower doors or shower curtain! Next sweep and mop the flooring.

4. Laundry also should be done weekly.
My laundry is usually done on Friday nights. I don’t know about you, but folding laundry and hanging it up is my least favorite part. I find watching a good tv show or my new obsession listening to a good book helps me get it done in no time, I guess it’s because my mind is somewhere else.
5. Don’t forget to donate or throw away unused items once a month!
I clean out my pantry once a month and donate any food that isn’t going to be eaten any time soon, same with my families clothes (I have two growing sons) when the jeans and sneakers get to small it goes into the donation pile and gets dropped off once a month. Same for my clothes as well. I’ve lost a ton of weight and keep losing so I am donating all my clothes that are now too big. My rule is if we haven’t used it in a month and don’t think we will be using it next month it gets donated or thrown out! This way we avoid clutter and hoarding.
The main thing to remember is a little mess never hurt anyone, and family time should always come first, we all aren’t perfect. But if you can try this routine or even add in some to–dos of your own it will cut down on your stress immensely and give you more time on the weekends with your family. AND THAT’S WHATS IMPORTANT!