Crawl! Crawl! Crawl!

Going on a bar crawl is the best! You get to hang out with your friends, get a little exercise, and best of all get your drink on! Although if you have only participated in them before it can be a little more of a challenge to plan one for yourself.  So, here are some things to keep in mind to plan the best bar crawl your friends, coworkers, and acquaintances have ever been on. 

1 First things first. You have to set up a route! There are a few things to keep in mind, like how many bars you want to stop at. We recommend 4-6, it gives you enough places to stop at, but not too many so that you are exhausted at the end of the night. Also, make sure to keep all the bars in close proximity; you’re doing this to visit bars, not to go on a hike. Although, if you absolutely must go across town, make sure that the bars are close to public transportation. Lastly you will want to consider the type of group you are planning this for. Think of the kinds of bars they would prefer; some groups want to visit a good ole dive bar, while others want to spend their night in high end bars. Also, don’t chose bars that are going to have high wait times or that you might not be able to get into.  

2. Next, make sure that you give the bars on your route a heads up, and let them know the dateapproximate time and amount of people to expect.  This is just the right thing to do; this way the bar will know to be ready for a group and prepare for it. There is nothing worse that planning out the whole night to find that the bar is closed for an event that night or way understaffed for a large group. The bars on the route will really appreciate it, and they may even let you use a special area of the bar, or even give you some group discounts.  

3. Now you can plan some fun for your group! If your group is the kind that loves to have a theme now is the time to pick it out. Chose something that everyone can relate to so that everyone will dress up and participate. You should also think about adding some incentives, so people are motivated to go to the next bar instead of giving up and staying at the same bar all night. You can try punch cards scavenger hunts or try some type of reward or prize system. Anything will work as long as you and the group will enjoy it.  

4. One thing you should definitely not forget is food! Everyone will need to fuel up if they want to last the whole night. Try and get something to eat about half way through. You can either take a break and head to a nearby food joint, or you can order food at one of your stops. Just make sure to plan ahead, and factor it in to your total time.

5. Don’t forget to coordinate everyone. Social media is a great way to do this; you can make a group for your bar crawl! This will keep everyone up to date, so no one forgets the date or time, and it will keep communication open especially for any last-minute changes. Also, this is a great way for everyone to post their pictures, and any other fun experiences from the night.  

These easy suggestions will help you plan the best bar crawl your group has ever been on. So make sure to stay safe, have fun, and let loose!